Gibson Says: Vote Tuesday, and use the CCC Values Voter Guide to help you choose wisely
Concerning the Primary Election today (Tuesday, May 16) here’s the advice of Dr. Ken Gibson, chaplain of the Conservative Christian Center, Chairman Emeritus of York County Action, a former Pastor and founder of the Keystone Bible Institute in York, PA. Polling Places are open from 7 AM to 8 PM. Additional information including polliing places HERE. The “Value Voter Guide” Dr. Gibson refers to was compiled by Conservative Christian Center, in association with York County Action. Now, here’s Dr. Gibson’s advice for you.
Today is Election Day for the primary. Usually a low voter turnout, but be the exception and do your civic duty and take time to pray and vote today at the polls in York County.

I have included a link http://conservativechristiancenter.org/blog/ to the South Central Pa. Conservative Christian Center, and their findings in a Straw poll they took at the candidate forum on Friday evening, May 5.
Please REVIEW this survey in depth and PRAY over it, and then VOTE today. It is crucial that we vote Christians into office who will maintain core values such as Pro-Life, Traditional Base Family, Religious Freedom, a person who is not ashamed of their faith and who let’s their faith be their guiding principle not their party affiliation, and is not ashamed of answering questions for the public on vital issues.
You must be the one who decides who is best qualified to serve in these positions, do not waste your vote and do not allow it to be taken away from you, it is your VOICE in the public arena and it is an important voice to be heard. I will be voting today and using the CCC survey as a guide.
Dr. Ken Gibson
read the rest of the article HERE.