
Advice of Dr. Ken Gibson for Primary Election Day Today

Photo of Dr. Ken Gibson leading a prayer at the Philippine American Heritage Council 4th annual picnic in 2015 in York County PA; in 2016 PAHC co-sponsored an annual picnic with York County Action).
Dr. Ken Gibson, Chairman Emeritus of York County Action, recommends the “Value Voters Guide” published by Conservative Christian Center in association with York County Action.  Follow the link to the guide.

Gibson Says: Vote Tuesday, and use the CCC Values Voter Guide to help you choose wisely

Concerning the Primary Election today (Tuesday, May 16) here’s the advice of Dr. Ken Gibson, chaplain of the Conservative Christian Center, Chairman Emeritus of York County Action, a former Pastor and founder of the Keystone Bible Institute in York, PA.  Polling Places are open from 7 AM to 8 PM.  Additional information including polliing places HERE.  The “Value Voter Guide” Dr. Gibson refers to was compiled by Conservative Christian Center, in association with York County Action.  Now, here’s Dr. Gibson’s advice for you.


Today is Election Day for the primary.  Usually a low voter turnout, but be the exception and do your civic duty and take time to pray and vote today at the polls in York County.

Advice of Dr. Ken Gibson for Primary Election Day Today; Gibson Says: Vote Tuesday, and use the CCC Values Voter Guide to help you choose wisely (follow this link)
Advice of Dr. Ken Gibson for Primary Election Day Today; Gibson Says: Vote Tuesday, and use the CCC Values Voter Guide to help you choose wisely (click on image to see the Guide)

I have included a link to the South Central Pa. Conservative Christian Center, and their findings in a Straw poll they took at the candidate forum on Friday evening, May 5.

Please REVIEW this survey in depth and PRAY over it, and then VOTE today. It is crucial that we vote Christians into office who will maintain core values such as Pro-Life, Traditional Base Family, Religious Freedom, a person who is not ashamed of their faith and who let’s their faith be their guiding principle not their party affiliation, and is not ashamed of answering questions for the public on vital issues.

You must be the one who decides who is best qualified to serve in these positions, do not waste your vote and do not allow it to be taken away from you, it is your VOICE in the public arena and it is an important voice to be heard.  I will be voting today and using the CCC survey as a guide.

Dr. Ken Gibson

read the rest of the article HERE.

You are invited to Candidate Forum this Friday

Flyer for the 5/5 Candidate Forum sponsored by York County Action and Conservative Christian Center (click on the image to go to the full size PDF).
Flyer for the 5/5 Candidate Forum sponsored by York County Action and Conservative Christian Center (click on the image to go to the full size PDF).

York County Action joins with Conservative Christian Center to co-sponsor a free Candidate Forum this Friday, May 5 from 7 to 9 PM at the Wyndham Garden Hotel

Radio Personality Gary Sutton, Pastor Ken Gibson to speak, all candidates on the May 16 GOP Primary Ballot invited 

The May 16 Republican Primary is coming up fast and to help conservative-minded, church-going Christians in York county choose among the candidates, a “Candidate Forum” is being sponsored by York County Action and the Conservative Christian Center at the Wyndham Garden Hotel, 2000 Loucks Road (near the West Manchester Shopping Mall), York, PA from 6 to 8 PM.  Advance register for the free event to get preferred seating HERE.  The flyer for the event can be found by clicking on the thumbnail image above (which brings you to a PDF that you can view and/or print out), or HERE.

Continue reading “You are invited to Candidate Forum this Friday”

York County Action Urges Your Call to Senator Casey to Confirm Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary

(Monday 2/6/17) President Donald Trump’s nominee to be Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, could be his first major defeat or his narrowest victory so far with at least two Republicans Senators pledging to vote no – which would result in a tie U.S. Senate vote 50-50 with Vice President Mike Pence casting the tie-breaking vote.  One more GOP defector this morning will doom her nomination.

One of the defectors said that her office received thousands of phone calls urging a NO vote on this Trump nomination.  Will Church going Christians match this phone work or watch quietly as their champion goes down to defeat?

Call Senator Casey right now this morning at (202) 224-6324 and urge him to vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of the Department of Education.

To learn more about the campaign against the Trump nomination of Betsy DeVos, the left’s effort to defeat her and how you can help thwart them visit the website of Conservative Christian Center, HERE.

Stand up for Life Rally in Plymouth Meeting PA today

Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA (Action of PA) York County Chairman recommends Stand up for life rally in Plymouth Meeting PA today

A Montomery County “Stand up for Life” rally will be held at Epiphany Church in Plymouth Meeting today – Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 2:00 PM.  Christopher Smith, composer and creator of the Broadway musical “Amazing Grace,” will be the featured speaker.

Smith has already compared pro-lifers to his play’s central character, John Newton who stood against slavery because they stand “for what is right” and are “the voice of the voiceless.”

Jay McKiernan, President of Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA, York County chapter, speaking at their Feb. 7, 2016 breakfast.
Jay McKiernan, President of Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA, York County chapter, speaking at their Feb. 7, 2016 breakfast.

Jay McKiernan, chairman of Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA (York County Action of PA) urges pro-lifers within drive range to try to attend (bulletin from Michael McMonagle of PA Pro Life Coalition).

(Note: YorkCountyAction website, Facebook page and e-newsletter are not to be confused with Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA, a state PAC, with which it is not affiliated)

Inauguration Day Prayer for Pence and Trump

praying-hands-donovan-hubbardPlease join us in this prayer for our newly President and Vice President of the United States of America-Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence.

Please join us today in celebrating the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President elect Mike Pence – the last time we expect to call them “elect” as part of their title.  Full text of the prayer HERE.

We are indebted to Dr. Ken Gibson, the past President of York County Action and member of the state board (Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation), for composing this prayer. The Conservative Christian Center, a non-profit organization which helps increase the influence of conservative Christians in the public policy process, strongly urges all Christians to solemnly join in saying this prayer today and circulate this to like minded friends.

Photo of Dr. Ken Gibson leading a prayer at the Philippine American Heritage Council 4th annual picnic in 2015 in York County PA; in 2016 PAHC co-sponsored an annual picnic with York County Action).
Photo of Dr. Ken Gibson leading a prayer at the Philippine American Heritage Council 4th annual picnic in 2015 in York County PA; in 2016 PAHC co-sponsored an annual picnic with York County Action).

Trump-Pence Thank you Rally at Giant Center at Hershey PA Thurs. Dec. 15

Conservative Christian Center Celebrates Trump-Pence Win, Invites you to join us before & after Hershey Rally

(12/14/16, Pat Henry) President Elect Donald Trump and Vice President Elect Mike Pence are coming to Hershey, Pennsylvania to thank us for our help in carrying the pivotal, battleground state of Pennsylvania tomorrow, Thursday, December 15, 2016 with doors open at 4 PM at the Giant Center in Hershey.  Conservative, church-going Christians, who gave the ticket 82 percent of the vote despite the biggest vote suppression effort directed at their ranks in history, will be in the vanguard of those greeting them.

Members of Conservative Christian Center from Northern Virginia, York County and Cumberland County PA will meet for brunch/lunch on the way to the event and for dinner/coffee immediately after – and they have issued a call to like-minded friends (that’s you dear Reader) to join them.

To get your tickets to the Trump-Pence “Thank you” rally in Hershey (no admission without this) go HERE.    Continue reading “Trump-Pence Thank you Rally at Giant Center at Hershey PA Thurs. Dec. 15”

Cumberland County Conservative Christian Club considered

82% of the values voters went with Donald Trump for President in 2016 - in part because of their concerns about Hillary Clinton.
82% of the values voters went with Donald Trump for President in 2016 – in part because of their concerns about Hillary Clinton.

Values Voters record of 82% Support for Donald Trump for President helped carry Pennsylvania, bring leaders together for Thursday Dec. 1 discussion

(11/30/16, Cumberland County, PA) A group of conservative “values voters” will meet tomorrow (Thursday) night, December 1, in Carlisle, PA at the Great Hope Baptist Church to discuss how to keep church going conservatives active in the public policy process after the election of Donald Trump as President with the support of 82% of their ranks, surpassing the numbers who supported the election of GOP nominee Mitt Romney in the last election (flyer HERE).   Continue reading “Cumberland County Conservative Christian Club considered”

Vote Election Day November 8

Conservative Christians urged to vote NO to Hillary’s America

A terrific movie for those who are still unsure about whether to vote for Hillary Clinton or an alternative is the Dinesh D’Souza production, “Hillary’s America.  Special tip of the hat to past York County Action Board member Monica Seitz who leads a team which has been showing this movie in York County.  Watch the trailer HERE or click above (purchase online digital or find local retail outlet HERE).

Former York County Action Board Member Monica Seitz worked with a dedicated team of fellow conservative Christians to show the Dinesh D'Souza movie, Hillary's America, during the weeks leading up to the Nov. 8 election.
Former York County Action Board Member Monica Seitz worked with a dedicated team of fellow conservative Christians to show the Dinesh D’Souza movie, Hillary’s America, during the weeks leading up to the Nov. 8 election.

Some of our “values voter” friends have complained about the most negative campaign in memory.

But that is no excuse not to vote.  If you don’t then you are leaving the choice of who will govern our country to those with whom we most vehemently disagree on every major issue our country and our state faces.

We urge you to vote in the strongest possible terms and we urge you to do this with an informed conscience.

That means if you haven’t already decided you need to take a few minutes or more, to do your homework about the candidates and about the issues of highest priority to you.

For information about the candidates on the ballot tomorrow here’s several helpful sources we suggest:    Continue reading “Vote Election Day November 8”

Trump, Clinton or other: How one Pastor Chose Donald Trump

The idea of voting your conscience may seem obvious to most but, what does that mean?  Very simply, it means you need to have an informed conscience, and some idea of the position of the candidates on the issues of concern to you.  In order to have an informed or well formed conscience, it does require a little bit of effort and some thinking.  Continue reading “Trump, Clinton or other: How one Pastor Chose Donald Trump”