Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA (Action of PA) York County Chairman recommends Stand up for life rally in Plymouth Meeting PA today
A Montomery County “Stand up for Life” rally will be held at Epiphany Church in Plymouth Meeting today – Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 2:00 PM. Christopher Smith, composer and creator of the Broadway musical “Amazing Grace,” will be the featured speaker.
Smith has already compared pro-lifers to his play’s central character, John Newton who stood against slavery because they stand “for what is right” and are “the voice of the voiceless.”

Jay McKiernan, chairman of Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA (York County Action of PA) urges pro-lifers within drive range to try to attend (bulletin from Michael McMonagle of PA Pro Life Coalition).
(Note: YorkCountyAction website, Facebook page and e-newsletter are not to be confused with Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA, a state PAC, with which it is not affiliated)