Trump-Pence Thank you Rally at Giant Center at Hershey PA Thurs. Dec. 15

Conservative Christian Center Celebrates Trump-Pence Win, Invites you to join us before & after Hershey Rally

(12/14/16, Pat Henry) President Elect Donald Trump and Vice President Elect Mike Pence are coming to Hershey, Pennsylvania to thank us for our help in carrying the pivotal, battleground state of Pennsylvania tomorrow, Thursday, December 15, 2016 with doors open at 4 PM at the Giant Center in Hershey.  Conservative, church-going Christians, who gave the ticket 82 percent of the vote despite the biggest vote suppression effort directed at their ranks in history, will be in the vanguard of those greeting them.

Members of Conservative Christian Center from Northern Virginia, York County and Cumberland County PA will meet for brunch/lunch on the way to the event and for dinner/coffee immediately after – and they have issued a call to like-minded friends (that’s you dear Reader) to join them.

To get your tickets to the Trump-Pence “Thank you” rally in Hershey (no admission without this) go HERE.   

The group will meet extra early to be certain to get prime seating at the Giant Center, prepared to spend 3 hours before the “doors open” at 4 PM for the 7 PM event.  They will meet again after the event is over at a diner in nearby Mechanicsburg.  Details of both, below.  If you care to join us – to stand in the line for prime seating and then to sit together at the “Thank you” Rally please email and see details below for either BEFORE or AFTER get togethers.

Before the Event – 11:30 AM– Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch or Just Coffee
Bob Evans (a few minutes from Giant Center)
650 Walton Ave, Hummelstown, PA 17036
(group departs from the parking lot at 12:30 PM, the Giant Center is less than 15 minutes away)

After the Event – Late Night coffee, dessert &/or Dinner (est. 9 PM, whenever it is done)
Denny’s (on the west side of the river, 15 min. from Giant Arena) 5505 Carlisle Pike,  Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

Ross Cleveland, who is helping organize conservative Christians in south Central Pennsylvania for the Conservative Christian Center (CCC) said “We have so many reasons to celebrate the election of Donald Trump and Mike Pence and to name just one, we will see the return of the simple phrase, ‘Merry Christmas’ to the White House and on display tomorrow night on the podium that Donald Trump and Mike Pence will speak from.”

Cleveland, a member of the old Cumberland County ACTION of PA, former school teacher and now a business owner in Cumberland County, especially hopes those interested in helping the new Conservative Christian Center get organized in south Central PA will join us at or about 9 PM at the Denny’s restaurant in Mechanicsburg, if for no other reason than to say hello, meet some new friends and enjoy a quick cup of coffee.

The Executive Director of the CCC parent non-profit organization, Ronald Wilcox and also a director of CCC will also be present at both the Bob Evans brunch and the after-event dinner at 9 PM.

The group coming from the Trump-Pence rally is expected to be hungry after being in line for several hours and after hearing Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and it is hard to imagine a group of people who will be more excited than this one.

Is Donald Trump More Conservative than Ronald Reagan?

This is just my opinion perhaps and you might not share it: no.  But let me rephrase the question: has Donald Trump run a more conservative campaign than Ronald Reagan did back in 1980 and 1984?  Without a doubt, if you pay attention to the issues, he most certainly is competitive (ie. a match) or even better.  Ronald Reagan did not choose a strong conservative as his Vice Presidential running mate as Trump did.

Ronald Reagan’s campaigns were always run by more moderate Republican operatives, while Donald Trump turned to longstanding conservatives like campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, Deputy Campaign Manager David Bossie and many others with similar, longstanding conservative credentials.

Like Richard Nixon, our hero Ronald Reagan pointed out that in his transition team and his White House, the best conservative was himself, the top man, and don’t worry about these operatives helping me.

With Trump, the irony is, the person with the worst track record over the past 20 years as a conservative, very different from Ronald Reagan, is the man himself, Donald Trump.  The people he has tapped to help him run for and win the White House and then run his administration, are some of the best and most proven conservatives in America.

Those who tried to suppress the turnout of conservative Christians, must be so terribly frustrated – they cannot say “see we warned you, we told you so.”  We knew we didn’t want Hillary Clinton in the White House.  We knew we did not want her choosing our Supreme Court Justices and all the other federal judges appointed by the President and rarely rejected by the U.S. Senate.

But we have so much more to celebrate right now than merely stopping Hillary Clinton.

More and more, those conservatives and conservative Christians who pay attention to the details of public policy, are celebrating with enormous enthusiasm, the President-Elect whose appointments and policies are more than a match to our hero, President Ronald Reagan.

We continue to pray that with a GOP Senate and House – which the new President Ronald Reagan did not have when he took office in 1981 – we will soon be able to celebrate a record of accomplishment at the White House, which will surpass the record of Ronald Reagan.

Long-standing conservative leader Richard A. Viguerie, a personal friend of this writer and the fundraiser who helped teach two generations of conservatives how to fund our causes and candidates, said  “in my 55-years of involvement in the conservative movement at the national level, there’s never been a time when conservatives occupied more positions of influence and power than they do today – and that includes the election of Ronald Reagan and during the Reagan transition.”  To read his full article go to ConservativeHQ.

To make sure you continue to receive our free e-newsletter write and be sure to include your name and your zip code.  Our new website will be announced this coming Monday at – it is under construction.

Cross posted at York County Action and the under construction Conservative Christian Center websites and the e-newsletter shared by both, Conservative Christian News, by Pat Henry aka Hanover Henry at Redstate and as “Pat Henry” on Facebook.  Since 2012 his articles as an advocate of the conservative Christian cause, especially in PA, have appeared at REDSTATE, the largest website for conservative activists in America.

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