Conservative Christians urged to vote NO to Hillary’s America
A terrific movie for those who are still unsure about whether to vote for Hillary Clinton or an alternative is the Dinesh D’Souza production, “Hillary’s America. Special tip of the hat to past York County Action Board member Monica Seitz who leads a team which has been showing this movie in York County. Watch the trailer HERE or click above (purchase online digital or find local retail outlet HERE).
Some of our “values voter” friends have complained about the most negative campaign in memory.
But that is no excuse not to vote. If you don’t then you are leaving the choice of who will govern our country to those with whom we most vehemently disagree on every major issue our country and our state faces.
We urge you to vote in the strongest possible terms and we urge you to do this with an informed conscience.
That means if you haven’t already decided you need to take a few minutes or more, to do your homework about the candidates and about the issues of highest priority to you.
For information about the candidates on the ballot tomorrow here’s several helpful sources we suggest:
Dr. Ken Gibson
Former President, York County ACTION
(Americans for Christian Traditions in our Nation of PA)
Dr. Gibson says, “Tuesday November 8 is Election Day. As Americans we have been given by God and our Constitution a very rare privilege these days, the right to vote, a vote has been ENTRUSTED to each of us.
“DO NOT squander your vote. Vote biblical values among the two candidates as you can. Your vote will change the course of history, so prayerfully consider you vote on Tuesday. The rationale I submit is where I am coming from as a Conservative American Christian. I had to work and pray about this for a long time. You may agree or disagree with my conclusions, but I don’t want to waste my vote, and I want to vote intelligently and decisively.” (by Dr. Ken Gibson)
(READ Dr. Gibson’s entire essay which has been circulated by email, HERE or scroll down to read, Trump, Clinton or other: How one Pastor Chose Donald Trump.)
Ron and Bobbie Cohen
(Ron Cohen is a former Member of the Board of York County Action)
“After hearing so much from concerned friends regarding this election, Bobbi and I felt that it would be good to give you our input also. This is a critical election. I am sure you will all agree. It is our Christian duty to vote smart. This is not an option and it is not a Christian liberty. Christian liberty says for example, I am not going to this particular movie because it supports Hollywood … or I am not going to have a drink of alcohol because it will violate my conscience, based upon my understanding of scripture. Voting is not Christian liberty, it is a Christian duty before God. This is how we see it.
“First, God is a God of grace. Moses was a murderer, David was an adulterer and murderer, the apostle Paul, perhaps the greatest missionary ever, was also a murderer. Scripture records him present at the stoning of Stephen. Rahab was a harlot. The woman at the well was married seven times, King Nebuchadezzar was an ungodly king, who God had eat the grass of the field for seven years, King Artaxerxes was an ungodly king who gave favor to Nehemiah, his cupbearer, to rebuild the broken down walls of Jerusalem … and on and on the list goes.
“Now, if God can work in so many broken lives, to place them in his will and plan for their lives, why can’t we accept that same measure of grace and possibility with Donald Trump?
The alternative is too bleak to contemplate. Again, we are called to vote … and vote smart. This is simply not a Christian Liberty that we can take consolation in voting for someone who clearly has no chance of winning to appease our conscience … or not vote for someone, because they do not represent our values. If you read scripture carefully, there is a clear distinction between Christian Liberty and Christian Duty.
“These are our thoughts on this most pivotal presidential election. We know you will carefully consider what we have said and vote accordingly. That is our prayer.”
(Originally sent via email and circulated by members of York County Action)
Pennsylvania Family Institute
Pennsylvania’s most comprehensive statewide Voter Guide – provide your name, address and email (you may opt out from receiving any emails) and then “click” on “get my personalized voter Guide” – the candidates on the ballot tomorrow and their ratings, custom made for your address.
List of Candidates for State Office
This list includes Attorney General, Auditor General, Treasurer, State Senator, State Representative for the entire state. You will need to know your district for the State Senator and State Representative. Complete list includes rating based upon 12 survey questions which are provided. Very thorough, highly recommended.
Faith and Freedom Coalition Voter Guide for PA
For President on one side and for U.S. Senator on the other side (2 sides, PDF) you can view or print out 2 sides 8 ½ by 11) click HERE.
Catholic Voter Guide
Splendid “Voter Education Resources” for Catholics (also useful to those church goers who are not) from the Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg. We do not agree with everything posted but this is still very useful for Catholids who are looking for information to decide who to vote for. For example, this voter guide is supportive of issues such as spending more money on social welfare programs.
We don’t believe anyone is a better Christian if you can persuade your legislator to appropriate taxpayer money to give away. We conservative church going Christians – including Catholics – believe that we are held accountable for what WE donate, not what we persuade the government to spend.
But this Voter Guide for Catholics also say that the paramount issue to look at is the candidate’s position on human life and they rate Senator Toomey and Donald Trump very high, and the Democratic Party candidates very low on this paramount issue.
Our York County Action Facebook Page
We strongly urge all visitors here to also “like” our Facebook page for more resources, links and information. This page had been deleted only several days ago (Friday) by a “never Trumper” who is a former board member of the old York County Action but has been restarted and rebuilt to become even larger than it was several days earlier. Visit York County Action on Facebook.